Let strategy guide how you use Machine Learning to find answers in public or owned data.

Ditch hit-or-miss AI tactics.

Get bespoke data science solutions for your data-abundant business.
Base decisions on Clear Patterns in relevant data sets. Not on hunches.

Partner with hands-on specialists and published authors in social, computational, and data sciences.

11 million users
Touched by our solutions across 13 countries.
10 years
Of experience in delivering large scale robust applications - that work!
Doctorates & Masters
Subject Matter Experts that ask the right questions and focus on objectivity.

Goodbye, off-the-shelf AI.

Hello, endless customisations, scientific approaches, and fast results.

Hit the wall with basics AI plugins?

Get a solution tailored to your needs.

Don’t limit your insights to what’s available out of the box. Get us to analyse parameters uniquely important for your business and customers.

Burn your fingers with ML Hype?

Go by the basics of science.

Reject surface-level machine learning models that bring marginal improvements. Consult us to fix deeper data problems and get bigger returns.

Taking too long to build it yourself?

Consult seasoned data specialists.

Save yourself from opening a Pandora’s box. Skip the headaches and save time + resources by partnering with us.

Our solutions help you make sense of your data.

And to get a competitive edge.


e-Commerce, Finance, and Streaming Platforms

Suggest the right products and services at the right time to your customers by learning from their behaviour and transaction signals. Improve user experience, prevent churn, and increase customer lifetime value.


Direct-to-consumer businesses & marketplaces

Track your competitors across the web and learn about their pricing, product, and promotional strategies. Know what’s working for others and where you stand in a given industry, category, or niche.

Data Analytics
as a Service

Businesses with underused data or undiscovered patterns

Gather, analyse, and explain structured and unstructured data at scale for decision-making, financial planning and reporting, demand forecasting, fraud detection, and much more.


Healthcare, security, retail, manufacturing, or logistics

Use technology to recognise visuals of objects and people, to understand their form and movements, or to create accurate mockups or try-on images. Enrich human interpretation with data.

Our work, their words.

Spotlight success.

"DeepArt Labs impressed us with their professionalism and ability to simplify complex topics, making idea exchange straightforward. Their work not only met but exceeded our expectations, setting a new standard in computer vision for us."

Dr. Lorenzo Tamagnone

Computer Vision for Odontometrics

"Working with DeepArt Labs on a custom web app for data analytics, and a separate integration for customer engagement increased our revenue by 12% and ATV by 17%. When a power failure caused a data outage, they quickly set up a new server, minimising downtime. Their team was always ready to assist, showing exceptional support and reliability."

Mikan Rajkovic

Data Science for Travel Services

"In short, they are dependable people. They implemented a RecSys for our e-Commerce platform which led to reduced churn and increased user engagement. CTR has increased by north of 25%. Their deep understanding of our unique business goal and solving it with software was a quite an unexpected outcome. The partnership has been marked by smooth and  highly productive collaboration. There is more work to do guys!"

Karl G. Pfaff

Recommendation System for e-Commerce

We own your problems and pull your growth levers.

Results-first approach.
Not blind action.
Do you want to reduce bounce rates, increase clicks, or boost revenue? We focus on the final objective and let that guide how we approach the problem.
High autonomy.
Nil dependency.
We require minimal input and avoid overwhelming you with technical nuances. We keep you informed at all times and drive the project independently.
Deeply experienced.
Not tinkerers.
We understand different parts of the problem and execute strong software protocols. This makes your data solutions scalable and secure.
Strong peer group.
Not limited by skills.
When we don’t know something, we consult peer software engineers, researchers, and data scientists from Google, Tesla, Meta, Spotify, Amazon, EPFL, and MIT.
PyTorchAmazon Web ServicesGPT-4PostgreSQLDockerGoogle Cloud PlatformGithubPython Programming Language

Frequently asked questions

Are you able to work with non-standard data sources and data types?

Yes, we can work with structured and unstructured information from uncommon and unique sources by applying state-of-the-art algorithms wherever feasible and going beyond popular models when necessary.

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How do you implement or deploy the solution - on-premise or cloud?

We offer both on-premise and cloud development and solutions. We recommend on-premise if you prefer greater security and ownership. We recommend cloud deployment if you prefer on-the-go access.

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What tools and technologies do you use to build your  solutions?

We choose our tools based on the objective need and client budgets. We are FOSS contributors so we have a natural inclination for open-source tooling, but in case our client prefers a certain tech-stack, we just adapt.

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Do you build custom solutions or repurpose existing ones?

In most cases, we build custom solutions. And in some cases, we repurpose existing solutions.

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How long does a typical engagement last?

Most of our projects range from three to twelve months. But we are always open to longer-term collaborations.

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How do you price your solutions?

We bill our clients based on the total number of hours and material inputs required to build the solution. Where necessary, and feasible, we also engage in fixed-cost projects. For maintenance and keeping things running, most clients like us to do it and we price this separately from development. But if your team wants to take over, we give them clear guides to make it easy for them to understand.

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